When Paradosi
dances at a church we are not there to present a program to be watched from
afar but a living worship experience for all to participate. We are not dancing to be entertainers but to
lead your congregation in worship, to open their eyes to the endless
opportunities for them to use their gifts and talents to glorify the Lord, and
to bring them to a place of worship that many may never have experienced
One of their videos that very impact and capture my heart entitled How Great is Our God back in 2008. Its not the very dance moves that I want to point here,but the message of God and also the spirit when we are worshiping our Almighty God. :) I never get bored even though I watched them all over again. I still get the same feeling when my first time watching them. Doesn't matter what I feel. the important thing is that I can feel God's presence and love through their dance. :)
Personally, I love to dance also. I used dance as a tool for me to express my feelings. I dare to claim dancing is my passion. But I'm not saying that I'm a pro also. I'm still learning.Setting my own goals in improving myself and skills. I used to become a dancer and entertainer before. However after I surrender my life to Jesus,I dancing more serious and only dance not to entertain,but to worship Christ alone. :)
Keep on pursuing your dreams dear Ruth, I believe God will open the doors for you in touching lives through your dance. God bless you!!