Wednesday 2 March 2016

Reasons why..

I bet you must wonder why did like ballet so much. Actually,I don't dare to be so called,know everything about ballet. To speak the truth,I started to like ballet since last year. There is ballerinas from Paradosi Ballet Company. They are the first Pacific Northwest 's first professional Christian Ballet Company .The most interesting part about them is that their focus not just towards their passion,but also they share the love of Christ through dance,drama and also personal witness.  
They dance not to present a program to be watched from afar but living a worship experience from all to participate. 
When Paradosi dances at a church we are not there to present a program to be watched from afar but a living worship experience for all to participate.  We are not dancing to be entertainers but to lead your congregation in worship, to open their eyes to the endless opportunities for them to use their gifts and talents to glorify the Lord, and to bring them to a place of worship that many may never have experienced before! 

One of their videos that very impact and capture my heart entitled  How Great is Our God  back in 2008. Its not the very dance moves that I want to point here,but the message of God and also the spirit when we are worshiping our Almighty God. :) I never get bored even though I watched them all over again. I still get the same feeling when my first time watching them. Doesn't matter what I feel. the important thing is that I can feel God's presence and love through their dance. :)

Personally, I love to dance also. I used dance as a tool for me to express my feelings. I dare to claim dancing is my passion. But I'm not saying that I'm a pro also. I'm still learning.Setting my own goals in improving myself and skills. I used to become a dancer and entertainer before. However after I surrender my life to Jesus,I dancing more serious and only dance not to entertain,but to worship Christ alone. :) 

Sunday 28 February 2016

Ballet has become so close to our communities especially the art expression lover. Ballet also has bring great influence into our lifestyles;body,mind and soul. 

Ballet is a form of aerobic exercise,which means its vigorous enough to increase our heart and breathing rates.Our calories and can be burned and our muscles also can be built. If we do it regularly, it can help us to lose weight as much as other forms of exercise would .
According to professional dancer Barbara Craddock, ballet can burn more calories than other forms of dancing. A 150-pound ballet dancer can lose up to 432 calories per hour.  Slow forms of dancing such as the waltz burn much less, at about 216 calories per hour. Ballerina also can help us to improve the balance and coordination of our body. It requires keeping the centre of balance stable and make sure we don’t lose our step as we twist and turn. When we are in a group,meanwhile, relies heavily on coordination, as all the ballet dancers need to be in tune with each other for the performance to work.

 Becoming a ballerina also contributes to an overall sense of happiness. Of course, doing ballet moves releases endorphins , but ballet has an increased effect in this realm because it's not only the physical activity, but also the music, that affect the mind. Endorphins are released when the body is forced to exert itself at a certain level. We may have heard of a 'runner's high'; because dancing is a similar activity, this same boost in mood can be achieved through dancing. In addition to the physical activity of dancing, when ballet is also a performance, adrenaline and endorphins work together to create a dramatic 'ballet's high'.Ballet also affects the mind by contributing to a sense of satisfaction. While we may not reach new goals each day that we dance, we will have the satisfaction of knowing that we worked hard towards reaching these goals. Sweating through a series of exercises can be very satisfying even if change comes about at a pace so slow that we can't see the improvement. However the long term,we will see the fruits of our efforts from year to year, but on a day-to-day basis, most dancers feel very satisfied with having completed their exercises, worked on their turnout, and done their daily stretch routine. Ballet  not only has short-term benefits for our mental well-being, but also long-term benefits. Ballerina becomes very good at learning things quickly and methodically because of how often they learning the new dance moves. We may see a dancer turn and stare into space while moving her hands and perhaps mouthing something to herself while trying to learn something. Ballerina will  learn to repeat things not just with their bodies, but also with their hands and in words. This process of repeating what you just saw or heard until you've committed it to memory is a skill, and it serves dancers in all aspects of life, both inside the studio and out.

Many times  we might “’burned out”  along  the road achieving  our dreams.
We must know in this competitive and cruel world, ,we must  willing  to go extra miles and  sacrifice our time ,energy and even money. People say, ‘’No Pain,No Gain’’. Indeed its true.
You might not see the result of your  investment  right now, but I believe there is a sliver lining behind the dark clouds. All the best and God bless. J  

So here I'm going to share a link about how it's like to be a ballerina. Indeed its a very real and motivated story. 
You may visit them. :)

Thursday 25 February 2016

By definition, Ballet is a type of performance dance that originated in the Italian Renaissance courts of the 15th century and later developed into a concert dance form in France and Russia and since then has become a widespread form of dance. The ballerinas dance with so much elegance, that even the thought of them reminds us of something graceful. Most of the professional ballerinas have among the best bodies in the world. In order to perform those exhausting routines, ballerinas have gruelling workouts and nourish their bodies.I like the ballerina so much. I even don't realize where it all started. But then I remembered ,the gracefulness of ballerina really captured my heart and amazed me. It brings me passion ,peace and also an expression through my whole body.